Jemari Kecil Menaip. rara ruslin

Thursday 31 December 2015

bye 2k15

Hi assalamualaikum :)

So. How's 2015 guys? Bagi aku la, SHITTY. #sorrynotsorry

I've been through a lot this year so entahlah. It happened after all. Bukannya boleh putar balik masa pun. Kalaulah kan, kita boleh undur balik masa, you guys rasa apa yang you nak ubah? Kalau aku la, aku tak ubah apa2 kot. If you tak buat mistakes, macam mana nak belajar dpd kesilapan? *Wuu now she's talking*

In 2015, the biggest lie yang pernah happened dekat aku la, when he/she says something they don't mean.

And baru teringat, this year I had a crisis with my best friend in uitm and it's an eye-opener lah untuk aku maybe bcs my gurauan too kasar and I thought that she's okay with that kind of jokes but then I was wrong and I learnt from that. Tak semua orang berfikiran macam kita. Noted.

Habis pasal 2015, kita cakap about the future, how it's gonna be. ((hope so))

So, next year's goals. First of all mesti la nak KURUS hehehe *ni goal dpd zaman tok kaduk lagi tapi sampai sekarang tak pernah tercapai hahahahaha* Ok next hm actually I don't have a specific goal tau hahahahaha no seriously sebab yela we don't know the future kan. Betul tak ke hahahahahaha aku je yang pelik sorang takda specific goal ni?

I'll be turning 20 this year and I don't think being older is fun. Nothing's fun about being closer to death. Kau rasa?

Hi crush are you reading this? I don't know what to say but yeah, take a good care of yourself. You're getting older and not any younger than now anymore so think about your future, how you want it to be. Never lose faith in Allah and be confident in everything you do except for benda benda buruk la nak confident apa.

I really hope 2016 is gonna be as awesome as I am hahahahahha noooouuuuu jk jk eh tapi I awesome what hahahah ((self-praise at its best)) *pardon*

Kill your insecurities before they kill you girls. And boys, kill you ego before it kills you.

Goodbye 2015 Hello 2016 assalamualaikum :)

XOXO, R ((acaca Istanbul aku datang heh sorry tolong jangan bash))

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